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We are very honoured to partner with Kamâmak - MacKenzie Brown, Calgary based néhinaw artist to provide an Indigenous Arts Walk illustrating Indigenous creativity in the urban space. 


With permission from Indigenous Artists, we help tell the narratives of their mutuals which make Calgary home to urban Indigenous peoples.


Dates:                             July 5, 8, 27 & August 6, 9, 14 


Time:                               6pm to 8pm


Meeting Location:    Alexandra Centre in Inglewood 936 - 9 Ave

                                           SE Parking can found within the

                                           Inglewood community or around Fort



Distance:                       5 km (3.1 mi) 

Duration:                       2 hours

Experience:                  None other than enjoy walking

Difficulty:                      Easy to moderate (walking on paved &

                                           uneven surfaces)

Min / Max:                     5 min / 10 max    

Adult Price:                  $47.50

Child Price:                   $22.50

Family Price (more than one child):    $100.00

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